- Children had their essay competition on 1st January. We could confirm that their writing skill have developed after lots of practice→Page
- At the Sarthak Learning Center, we conducted sports festival that connects sports to learning→Page
- Sarthak Learning Center facilitator had a 3 day training on child centered education→Page
- Children in the Sarthak Learning Center drew postcards for Sarthak Reading Camp→Page
- The Himalayan Times wrote a article about Self Employment Education Program (SEEP) activities→Page
- In Self Employment Education Program (SEEP) class, a midterm examination was conducted to check the participants’ understanding and progress on learning→Page
- SEEP class mothers group started their first vegetables business→Page
- From France, we had a visitor, Ms. Helene who conducts the storytelling activities all over the world→Page
- Sarthak Sathis are preparing for the Sarthak Reading Camp→Page
We appreciate for your warmest support to children that enable them to receive quality education. For making a donation or being a member of Sarthak Shiksha, please go to the following link→Page